“Where Conscious Leaders Come To Build The Future”


🔗 Apply To Attend: Miami Mastermind Application

📱 For any questions and mastermind pass holders contact Fabian on What's App: +19543250527

<aside> ✉️ WELCOME… To The Grand Acceleration

Artificial Intelligence, new ways to conduct business, WEB3 & blockchain, geopolitical events, shift in mental capabilities.

Therefore, we are bringing together incredible minds and THE COLLECTIVE, for an incredible event INTENDED and CREATED for your greatest acceleration.

New tools…

New ways of looking at the world…

New mindsets… that are needed… for this very time.

So, we have brought forth a conducive environment to support the hive mind and each individual to be ready for this great acceleration and have their highest successes yet!

With AI, we can elevate ourselves and excel in creativity and innovation. We will teach you how to use AI as a tool of empowerment and productivity, so you can focus on what truly matters like problem-solving, human relationships, and strategy.

Experience a more fulfilling work life. Learn to use AI to elevate your capabilities, increase efficiency, and increase productivity.

Together, we can shape a brighter future. Embrace conscious leadership. Lead with purpose and vision. Be part of the movement that changes our world for the betterment of all.

AI & Exponential Growth. Mind & Time Hacking. A Pitch Competition. Conscious Leadership

Join Others That Understand What Is Happening & Those Want To Be Part Of This Great Shift


Event Details

📅 Date: June 21, 22, 23 🌊 Duration: 3-4 days 📌 Location: Miami, Florida

Program & Activities

Friday June 21, 2024 | Kickoff ‘Black-Tie’ Gathering

<aside> 🥂 Appetizers and cocktails will be included and available only during the networking hours. Water will also be provided throughout the evening.


Black Tie Evening - "Navigating The AI Grand Acceleration”


🕴️Dress Code: Black Tie 📃Access: Invite only, RSVP required, and confirmation required ⌚Late Policy: please be prompt, the spots are limited, waitlist will be activated at 6:30 PM (for non-member and invited guests)